Noah Guynn Professor of French and Comparative Literature Associate Dean of Faculty for Humanities, Arts, and Cultural Studies (530) 754-8077 510 Sproul Hall
Ralph J. Hexter Distinguished Professor of Classics Distinguished Professor of Comparative Literature 807 Sproul Hall Office Hours Spring 25: Thursday 1:50-2:50 pm In-Person, Sproul 807 in addition by appointment
Sheldon Lu 鲁晓鹏 Distinguished Professor of Comparative Literature (530) 754-8324(office) 808 Sproul Hall Office Hours Spring 25: Tuesday 2:00-4:00 pm, & by appointment
Amy Motlagh Associate Professor of Comparative Literature and Middle Eastern/South Asian Studies Bita Daryabari Presidential Chair in Persian Language and Literature 803 Sproul Hall
Timothy Parrish Professor of Comparative Literature Director of Undergraduate Study of Comparative Literature Faculty Undergraduate Advisor 402 Sproul Hall
Noha Radwan Associate Professor of Comparative Literature Affiliated Faculty of Middle East / South Asia Studies Program Instructor of Arabic Language 810 Sproul Hall
Sven-Erik Rose Associate Professor of German Associate Professor of Comparative Literature 530-752-0850 407 Sproul Hall
Cheri Ross Department Chair of Comparative Literature Graduate Teaching Supervisor of Comparative Literature 802 Sproul Hall Office Hours TBA
Jocelyn Sharlet Associate Professor of Comparative Literature and Middle East/South Asia Studies 530-752-1971 804 Sproul Hall
Michael J Subialka Associate Professor of Comparative Literature and Italian Director of Graduate Study for Comparative Literature Comparative Literature Faculty Graduate Advisor Michael Subialka's Personal Website 502 Sproul Hall
Michiko Suzuki Professor of Japanese Professor of Comparative Literature Affiliate Faculty, Feminist Theory and Research Designated Emphasis (530) 754-2801 306 Sproul Hall Office Hours Spring 25: Tuesday and Thursday 3:00-4:00 Tues in person; Thurs remote by Zoom
Stefan H. Uhlig Associate Professor of Comparative Literature Affiliated Faculty of the Graduate Program in German Studies and the Program in Critical Theory 809 Sproul Hall
Archana Venkatesan Professor of Religious Studies and Comparative Literature (530) 754-2821 Professor Venkatesan's Website 813 Sproul Hall
Tobias Warner Associate Professor of French and Comparative Literature Director of Critical Theory Faculty Graduate Advisor for French Affiliated Faculty of African American and African Studies 505 Sproul Hall
Sean Sell Lecturer of Comparative Literature Designated Emphasis in Native American Studies 815 Sproul Hall
Nick Talbott Lecturer of Comparative Literature Lecturer of English Voorhies 281
Gail Finney Professor Emerita of Comparative Literature Professor Emerita of German
Juliana Schiesari Professor Emerita of Comparative Literature Professor Emerita of Italian
Brenda Deen Schildgen Distinguished Professor Emerita of Comparative Literature
Moradewun Adejunmobi Professor of African American and African Studies Affiliated Faculty of Comparative Literature Affiliated Faculty of French (530) 752-1548 2143 Hart Hall Office Hours TBA
Jeff Fort Associate Professor of French Affiliated Faculty of Comparative Literature 503 Sproul Hall Office Hours TBA
Inés Hernández-Avila Professor of Native American Studies Affiliated Faculty of Comparative Literature Affiliated Faculty of the Study of Religion Professor Hernández-Avila's Website 2405 Hart Hall Office Hours TBA
Jenny Kaminer Professor of Russian Comparative Literature Affiliated Faculty 403 Sproul
Robert Patrick Newcomb Professor Luso-Brazilian Studies (Department of Spanish & Portuguese) Undergraduate Portuguese Adviser Co-director of UC Comparative Iberian Studies Working Group Affiliated faculty of Comparative Literature Affiliated faculty of Critical Theory 610 Sproul Hall
Ana Peluffo Professor of Latin American Literatures and Cultures Studies Affiliated Faculty Comparative Literature Co-Chair Nineteenth-Century Studies Section (LASA) Affiliated Faculty of Women and Gender Studies 703 Sproul Hall Office Hours TBA
Michelle Yeh Distinguished Professor of Chinese Affiliated Faculty of Comparative Literature (530) 752-4597 312A Sproul Hall Office Hours TBA
Chunjie Zhang Associate Professor of German Affiliated Faculty of Comparative Literature Affiliated Faculty of Cultural Studies Affiliated Faculty of East Asian Studies Affiliated Faculty of Critical Theory Affiliated Faculty of the Study of Religion (530) 754-2803 404 Sproul Hall