Jala Alarja Graduate Student in Comparative Literature Associate in Comparative Literature jwalarja@ucdavis.edu 818 Sproul Hall
Laura Yasmine Catterson Graduate Student in Comparative Literature Teaching Assistant in Comparative Literature lycatterson@ucdavis.edu 806 Sproul Hall
Benjamin Fong Graduate Student in Comparative Literature Teaching Assistant in Comparative Literature benfong@ucdavis.edu 824 Sproul Hall
Liliya Galenkova-Riggs Graduate Student in Comparative Literature Associate in Comparative Literature lgalenkovariggs@ucdavis.edu 816 Sproul Hall
Ross Hernández Graduate Student in Comparative Literature Comparative Literature rsshernandez@ucdavis.edu 818 Sproul Hall
Elmira Louie PhD Candidate in Comparative Literature Associate Instructor in Comparative Literature elmlouie@ucdavis.edu 815 Sproul Hall
Chih-ching (Dill) Ma Graduate Student in Comparative Literature Teaching Assistant in Comparative Literature ccdma@ucdavis.edu
Alicia Manno Graduate Student in Comparative Literature 805 Sproul Hall Office Hours Winter 25: Wednesday 3-5pm
Manasvin Rajagopalan Graduate Student in Comparative Literature Associate in Comparative Literature mrajagopalan@ucdavis.edu 815 Sproul Hall
Colin Rankin Graduate Student in Comparative Literature Associate in Comparative Literature crrankin@ucdavis.edu 816 Sproul Hall
Xuesong Shao PhD completed June 2024 Associate in Comparative Literature and East Asian Languages & Cultures xueshao@ucdavis.edu 818 Sproul Hall
Mingrui Wen Graduate Student in Comparative Literature Teaching Assistant in Comparative Literature and Cinema & Digital Media mrwen@ucdavis.edu 816 Sproul Hall