Tianyun Hua

A woman with glasses leaning against a white post smiling at the camera

Position Title
Graduate Student in Comparative Literature


Tianyun Hua is a Ph.D. candidate in Comparative Literature. Her research examines the cultural mediation of transnational labor migration in the global network of racial capitalism from the 20th century to present, and seeks to bridge East Asian studies, race and ethnic studies, labor history, and diaspora studies. Her dissertation project, “Coolie Crossings: Transnational Labor Migration and Modern Chinese Literature, 1900-1947,” enquiries about agencies and representations of labor in diaspora, thus to uncover a neglected piece of modern Chinese/Sinophone literature and its co-constitutive engagement with racial politics, labor movements, imperial cartographies, and colonial economies. 

  • MA, Peking University
  • BA, Peking University
Research Interests: 

Chinese/Sinophone literature; Global Asias; Labor; Migration; Race and Ethnic; Theater and Performance; Translation studies