Ralph J. Hexter

A picture of Provost Hexter

Position Title
Distinguished Professor of Classics
Distinguished Professor of Comparative Literature

807 Sproul Hall
Office Hours
Spring 25: Thursday 1:50-2:50 pm
In-Person, Sproul 807 in addition by appointment

Education and Degree(s)

  • Ph.D. and M.Phil. in Comparative Literature, Yale University
  • M.A. and B.A. in Classics and Modern Languages, Oxford's Corpus Christi College
  • A.B. in English Literature, Harvard College

Research Interest(s)

  • Classical Greek and Roman literature

Course(s) Taught

  • The Reception of Virgil's Aeneid


Dr. Hexter holds an appointment as distinguished professor of classics and comparative literature. He is also the provost and executive vice chancellor of UC Davis.

Curriculum Vitae